Dining in Honduras with Robert Bhat
From my first day until my last day the food was excellent. In the USA there are good and bad restaurants. You know to avoid the bad restaurants because someone told you it was bad, or you went and it was bad.
In Honduras the restaurants are all very similar because they all use the same ingredients. So if you like one restaurant, you’re going to like them all. A lot of fish is served because it can be caught locally and sold then eaten the same day it was caught. There are some vegetables that I don’t even remember the names of, but they were good. They like their breads and tortillas like you would expect.
Some of my favorite food while in Honduras was from the street vendors. The street vendors never speak English so you’d better brush up on your spanish, or at least know what you want to order. My favorite was the fish tacos.
Before traveling to Honduras I was worried and scared. What would the food be like, what is our house like, but that all wears off quickly. The locals are fantastic and very welcoming, we even had a local woman make us dinner in her house one night. It’s a long story, so maybe another time. Needless to say, the food was amazing. Instead of calling me Robert Bhat, she kept referring to me as “El Senor”, “The Man”. I told her she could call me Roberto but she preferred a name more akin to what she was used to, El Senor I was, and will ever be in her eyes. Gracias Senora Maiz! (Corn Woman)