When Candida Becomes Dangerous: How Global Healing Candida Balance Can Help

So you’ve been dealing with some nagging health issues lately that just won’t seem to go away. The fatigue, brain fog, digestive problems, and skin issues are really starting to impact your quality of life. Your doctor has run some tests but everything seems to come back normal. Have you ever considered that you may have an overgrowth of Candida? Candida is a fungus that naturally lives in our gut, but when it grows out of control it can wreak havoc on our health. The good news is, there are natural ways to get your Candida population back in balance and your health back on track. In this article we’ll explore how Candida overgrowth develops, the symptoms to watch out for, and how a targeted herbal supplement like Global Healing Candida Balance can help restore balance in your gut and get you feeling like yourself again.

The Dangers of Uncontrolled Candida

If your body is out of whack, candida overgrowth could be to blame. Candida is a fungus that lives in our gut, and normally it’s kept in check by good bacteria. But when candida gets out of control, it can lead to a whole host of uncomfortable symptoms. 

–   Digestive issues like bloating, gas, cramps, or diarrhea. An overgrowth of candida can damage your gut lining and microbiome, causing inflammation and making it hard to properly digest food.

–   Skin problems such as rashes, hives, eczema, or psoriasis. Candida overgrowth may manifest on your skin and can be very irritating.

–   Brain fog, fatigue, and mood changes. Candida produces toxins that can enter your bloodstream, negatively impacting your energy levels, memory, and emotions.

–   Recurring infections like thrush, sinusitis, or UTIs. Candida overgrowth weakens your immunity, making you susceptible to various infections that are hard to get rid of. 

What causes this nasty yeast to grow out of control? A diet high in sugar and refined carbs, chronic stress, oral contraceptives, and antibiotics are common culprits. The good news is, restoring balance to your gut can help get candida back in check. Eliminating problem foods, taking probiotics and herbal antifungals, reducing stress, and staying hydrated are all steps towards better health and banishing bothersome candida symptoms for good.  With time and the right treatment, you’ll be feeling like yourself again in no time.

Finding Balance With Global Healing Candida Balance

Candida overgrowth can lead to some serious health issues if left uncontrolled. 

Digestive problems 

Too much Candida in your gut can cause digestive problems like bloating, gas, cramps, and diarrhea or constipation.  The excess yeast disrupts your gut flora and makes it difficult for your body to break down foods properly.

Weakened immunity

Candida overgrowth inhibits the good bacteria in your gut that are responsible for proper immune function.  With less good bacteria, your body has a harder time fighting off infections and you may experience more colds, the flu, and other illnesses.

Skin and nail infections

Candida that spreads beyond your gut can lead to fungal infections of the skin, nails, mouth and genital area.  You may experience symptoms like rashes, itching, nail fungus, thrush, or vaginal infections.

Brain fog and fatigue 

The toxins from Candida overgrowth can leak into your bloodstream and make their way to your brain, causing symptoms like fatigue, poor memory, difficulty concentrating, mood swings, and headaches. 


Getting an overgrowth of Candida back under control involves making changes to diet, lifestyle, and using natural antifungals.   By eliminating sugars, processed foods, and alcohol, reducing stress, and supplementing with coconut oil, oregano oil or a product like Global Healing Candida Balance, you can strike at the root cause and beat your Candida for good.

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