How to Secure a Scholarship to Attend University in Honduras

How to for international studies in Honduras

When it comes to international travel and studying aboard, there are many opportunities that are giving to students from their colleges that offer this once in a lifetime chance. There several scholarships that pertain to different studies from biochemistry to international affairs.

Honduras has become a new inspiration for those that would like to study aboard. Those that choose to will be able to enjoy Central America where the Mayan Relics and ruins lie. The history behind the ruins and relics attracts tourist from all walks of life and different locations.

Universities in Honduras give students the ability to pursue their educational goals as well as indulge in the culture, language, and agricultural development. Students will have the ability to decide if they would like to be a part of building up Honduras’ economic expansion.

For a student to accomplish all or the main goal of attending a University in Honduras, scholarships are obtainable for those who do not have the funds for the college tuition and living expenses. The same applies to high school studies when they are looking to enter a college. Students must be prepared to submit an essay that can range from 500 – 2500 words, a 3-5 minute video outlining why you are best for the scholarship and how you intend to use the insight you’ve gained from the program of your choice. There are scholarships that can be very competitive and some that are giving back to the community.

Be sure to make an outline ahead of time for the scholarship that you wish to apply for.

When it comes to scholarships there are three specific ways for students that include: government, private organizations, and college sources. Below are the top best scholarships offered this year.

Government Scholarships

The biggest way to secure a scholarship and attend a university in Honduras is the Pell Grant. Students that are actively looking for future funding for their international study should look into the Gilman International Scholarships. This scholarship is financially supported by the federal government and the Gilman award believes in giving students the chance for a diversified for those interested in becoming the next generation of highly educated U.S. leaders. Those that are eligible should clearly and concisely prove the nature of their well-defined program that they are interested in. The Gilman scholarships offer $5,000 and it is need-based.

Private Funding

When it comes to private funding, The Rainforest Alliance funded by the Kleinhans Fellowship encourages the financial support for those that are post-graduate level students and have committed their studies to forestry and ecosystem resource management. The current Honduras economy has made an agreement for the removal of timber and the surrounding rain forests to offer help to short-term bankrupt businesses in the related industry. Those accepted for the scholarship will be allowed educational stay for up to two years and receive $15,000 each year of their academic stay.

The next scholarship that can be offered for international studies is the Ambassadorial Scholarships associated with the Rotary International. This scholarship is offered for only a yearlong time and recipients may receive up to $26,000. This award scholarship is considered a very prestigious and competitive program. Therefore, students who are interested must demonstrate their exceptional academics achievements and show characteristics of those of the Rotary.

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